To Say

The voice from within

Subashini Nachimuthu
The Lark
Published in
Jan 20, 2022


Photo by Gavin Spear on Unsplash

Stars in the sky are there to say
Enduring darkness, they just shine
Glazing sun stays very far
Greens grow and love the warmth
Moon seems to miss her charm
Recurring with pride, she proclaims
Beauty to be adored from within
Falling leaves too flutter to shout,
Gratified we are with our lives
Sturdy mountains stubbornly voice
Nothing is lost if stood with time
Endless waves echo all the time
To try your luck…



Subashini Nachimuthu
The Lark

English teacher | Loves nature, travelling, poetry | Studied literature | Big fan of Jane Austen novels | GmailID: